Download the App
1. To get Super Retro 16 download it from Android Market place with your Android phone.
- Launch Android Market
- Click the Search icon and enter "supergnes"
- At the Super Retro 16 application page click the "Buy" button

Transferring Roms

2. To play SNES games you will need to copy game ROMs (What's a ROM?) to your phone. This can be done by connecting your phone to your PC using the USB cable. Once connected be sure to view the "USB connected" notification and choose the "Mount" option. Then simply copy the ROMs from your computer to your phone.

Auto Detect Titles
3. Scan for games.
Once you have loaded ROMs onto your phone. Select the "Scan For Games" menu option and Super Retro 16 will automatically detect your titles. Optionally select the "Download cover art" checkbox to inculde title box art. Finally enjoy playing!